Our Solar Services

We use trusted, fully qualified local trades and expert local knowledge to design and install a solar systems that will meet your requirements and optimise your investment.

We offer complete solar solutions based on the latest generations of solar products such as panels, inverters & batteries. Our solutions include complete off-grid battery backup systems.

Residential Solar

We design and install residential solar systems fully customised to our local conditions and your specific requirements.

Commercial Solar

We design and install commercial solar systems from 5kw to 150kw.

Off-Grid Solar

We design and install full off-grid systems including ground-mount and multiple backup battery solutions.

Battery Solutions

Battery solutions include Sungrow and RedEarth.

Hybrid Systems

We offer a full range of Hybrid systems including emergency load backup solutions.

Service & Maintenance

Full service and maintenance services are provided to assist if you’re having problems with your system.

Thinking about investing in solar on the South Coast?

Solar power is an investment in your energy future. Ulladulla Solar use expert local knowledge and trades to design and install our solar systems, using only the highest of quality materials.

Contact us for a free solar assessment

Call on (02) 4412 9588 or Email us at info@ulladullasolar.com.au

Or fill in your details below and we'll call you back

We're Closed for Christmas

From 20th December 2024 to the 6th January 2025.